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If you are interested in financing the feature film,

Losing Puerto Rico, please review our deck here.


Losing Puerto Rico is a media project aimed to broaden the narratives around the multiple crises facing Puerto Rico and Boricuas by inviting action targeted towards those who have power to make immediate change. We are an experienced collective of journalists, researchers, filmmakers and activists who have worked extensively on issues related to Puerto Rico, as well as all over the world.




Losing Puerto Rico es un proyecto de medios destinado a amplificar las narrativas alrededor de las múltiples crisis que Puerto Rico y los boricuas enfrentan. Estamos haciendo un llamado a la acción enfocándonos en aquellos que tienen el poder para hacer un cambio inmediato. Somos un colectivo experimentado de periodistas, investigadores, cineastas y activistas que han trabajado extensamente en asuntos sobre Puerto Rico y alrededor del mundo.

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